Paper, ink, pencil
- Print
- Drummer / Drummer (Print)
- Ajuttaqtut / Ajuttaqtut (Tossing Game) (Print)
- Ancient Meeting / Ancient Meeting (Print
- Butchering a Walrus (Print
- Hunter Pulling a Dead Seal Home (Print
- Legend of Bear and Hunter (Print
- Creature Taking Man's Soul (Print
- Legend of the Seal Woman (Print
- Legend of the Sly Crow (Print
- Walruses (Print
- Transformation (Print
- Woman Beating Clothes (Print
- Reindeer Herders (Print
- Polar Bear Attacking Walrus (Print
- Autumn (Print
- Summer / Summer (Print
- Woman with Child (Print
- Mother Breastfeeding (Print
- Child with Ball (Print
- Monster/Demon (Print
- Lottery (Print
- Walrus and Dog (Print)
- Legend of Giant Logolin (Print
- Winter Games (Print
- 3 Men Trying to Kill a Big Bird (Print)
- Woman Trying to Feed her Young at Home / Woman Trying to Feed her Young at Home (Print
- Mating Pair (Print)
- Loons Protecting Young / Loons Protecting Young (Print
- Kopinoajuak/Big Bird (Print)
- Hunting Geese on Foot / Hunting Geese on Foot (Print
- Shaman's Dance / Shaman's Dance (Print
- Small Bird / Small Bird (Print
- Chased By A Bear / Chased By A Bear (Print
- Strange Men / Strange Men (Print)
- Drum Dance / Drum Dance (Print
- Greeting the Newcomers Tikerart / Greeting the Newcomers (Print
- Women's Things / Women's Things (Print
- Traditional One (Print
- Power (Print
- Ravenous Bird (Print
- Cat's Cradle / Cat's Cradle (Print
- I Had a Dream / I Had a Dream (Print
- Our Mother Seems To Have Wings / Our Mother Seems To Have Wings (Print
- The Wrestlers / The Wrestlers (Print
- Inuit Trappers and Dogs / Inuit Trappers and Dogs (Print)
- Shaman with Owl / Shaman with Owl (Print
- Fish and Loons / Fish and Loons (Print
- Spirit Birds and Owls / Spirit Birds and Owls (Print
- Feeding Baby Bird / Feeding Baby Bird (Print
- Cutting Fish / Cutting Fish (Print
- Travelling Couple / Travelling Couple (Print
- A Full Pot / A Full Pot (Print
- Man with Kilaut / Man with Kilaut (Print
- Spectators / Spectators (Print
- At The Windbreak / At The Windbreak (Print
- Overshadowed by a Great Bird / Overshadowed by a Great Bird (Print
- Young Owl (Print
- Talking with the Animals (Print
- Transformation / Transformation (Print
- Ataktoo / Ataktoo (Breaking from the Lake to the Sea) (Print
- Danger in the Whale Hunt / Danger in the Whale Hunt (Print
- The Vision of A Man Cutting Snow Blocks / The Vision of A Man Cutting Snow Blocks (Print
- Keeveook's Journey / Keeveook's Journey (Print
- The Singing House / The Singing House (Print
- Hunter / Hunter (Print
- A Man-Made Boat / A Man-Made Boat (Print
- Courting Birds / Courting Birds (Print
- Captain of the Icebound Whaler / Captain of the Icebound Whaler (Print
- Powerful Men / Powerful Men (Print
- Tree Man / Tree-Man: Inside Igloo (Print
- Fixing An Igloo During A Wind Storm / Fixing An Igloo During A Wind Storm (Print
- Wolf, Otter and Fish (Print
- Seals are Useful to Inuit / Seals are Useful to Inuit (Print
- Caribou are Very Useful to Inuit / Caribou are Very Useful to Inuit (Print
- Fish In Their Spawning Ground / Fish In Their Spawning Ground (Print
- Strange Voyage / Strange Voyage (Print
- Tunnilik / Tunnilik (Print
- Tullugaat / Tullugaat (Print
- Spirit with Tusks / Spirit with Tusks (Print
- Inukshuit / Inukshuit (Print
- Bucket Singers / Singing with the Bucket (Print
- I Was At The Rudder / I Was At The Rudder (Print
- Flaming Bird / Flaming Bird (Print
- Self-Portrait / Self-Portrait (Print
- Fishing with Spear (Print
- Whales (Print
- Man Fishing (Drawing
- Man Harpooning A Whale (Drawing)
- Haunting Owls / Birds (Print)
- The Man Who Captured A Bear (Print
- Aggauja / Aggauja (Spirit's Hand)
27/50 (Print
- Playful Sedna / Playful Sedna (Print
- Summer Feast (Print
- Young Girl and Muskox / Young Girl and Muskox (Print
- Harpoons and Seals / Harpoons and Seals (Print
- Illusive Bird
12/50 (Print
- Cooking Lunch in the Spring (Print
- Owls' Courtship (Print
- A Man Hunting Seal But, With No Luck, He Goes Back Home (Print
- A Man and His Wife Getting Ready For Dog Team Trip (Print)
- Inuit Live by the Sea and Hunt Caribou (Stonecut)
- Hungry Wolves Ahead (Print
- Kayak and Fish (Print
- Seamaids and Owl (Print
- Aeroplane / Aeroplane (Print
- Whale Hunting (Print
- Conference of Owls (Print
- Mother Earth / Mother Earth (Print
- Birds Make Me Happy / 3 Birds (Print
- Katajaktuiit (Throat Singers Gathering) (Print
- Protective Birds (Print
- Birds Braid Woman's Hair (Print
- Comparing Braids (Print
- Timmiaruqsimajuq / Bird Woman Transformation (Print
- Soul of a Shaman / Soul of a Shaman (Print)
- The Igloo Builders / Igloo Builders (Print
- Hunters in the Hills / Hunters in the Hills (Print
- Feathered Rainbow (Print
- Summer Feast (Print
- Kayak Hunter (Print
- Old Way of Hunting Walrus (Print
- Boy Playing with Dogs (Print)
- Chasing Geese into Pens (Print
- Landscape Collage (Collage
- Wolves Running After Caribou (Print
- Building the Igloo (Print
- A Frightened Man (Print
- Composition (Print
- Decision Made By The Group (Print
- Guardians of the Owl (Print
- Vision of Two Worlds / Vision of Two Worlds (Print
- Mother's Lullaby / Maternal Lullaby (Print
- Kayak Hunters Return / Kayak Hunters Return (Print
- Festival of Birds (Print
- Wolf Spirit / Wolf Spirit
29/50 (Print
- Memories of The Past (Print
- Journey by Umiaq (Print
- The New Amoutik / New Amoutik
10/50 (Print
- Shaman / Shaman
44/50 (Print
- Hunter and Large Bird / Hunter and A Large Bird (Print
- Talk of the Ocean / Talk of the Ocean (Print
- Agakumut Tungrak / Agakumut Tungrak (Print
- Tulik and Sailboats / Tulik and Sailboats (Print
- Building The Winter Camp (Print
- Camp Life / Camp Life (Print
- Stopping for the Day / Stopping for the Day (Print
- Imposed Migration / Imposed Migration (Print
- Tandem Flight (Print
- Traditional Birthing (Print
- Myth of Creation / Myth of Creation
13/50 (Print
- The Seasons (Print
- Kayak Men (Print
- Kigaviit (Eagles) (Print
- Nanuraq / Nanuraq/Bear Skin (Print
- Polar Express (Print
- Out from the Den / Out From the Den (Print
- Ummajiit / Ummajiit (Animals of All Kind)
19/50 (Print
- Winter Games (Print
- Foxes and Hares (Print
- Games of My Youth (Print
- Tree Man / Tree-Man: With Bird (Print
- Tree Man / Tree-Man: Tied Up (Print
- Bear on Ice Floe / Bear on Ice Floe (Print
- Celebration (Print)
- My Homeland / My Homeland - Peter (Print)
- My Homeland / My Homeland - Martha (Print)
- My Homeland / My Homeland - Natascha (Print)
- My Homeland / My Homeland - Dimitri (Print)
- Family Portaging / Family Portaging (Print
- Moving Camp in the Spring / Moving Camp in the Spring (Print
- Caribou Hunting Camp / Caribou Hunting Camp (Print
- He Threw A Hook To Catch A Fish / He Threw A Hook To Catch A Fish (Print
- Shooting An Owl During Autumn's Lean Time / Shooting An Owl During Autumn's Lean Time (Print
- Woman with Fringe (Drawing
- Floral Transformation (Print)
- Naujaq Umiallu / Naujaq Umiallu (Print)
- "My Homeland" prototype (Print)
- In the Company of Birds / In Company of Birds (Print)
- Inuk Talking to a Giant Goose (Print)
- Print
- Sun's Awakening / Print, Diptych (Print)
- Lucky Man / Lucky Man (Print)
- Legend of an Inuk killing Kukiligasiak, the one with the long finger nails (Print)
- Seals / Seals (Print)
- World full of knowledge (Drawing)
- A Trip to Sjumaru / A Trip to Sjumaru (Drawing)
- New Age Christ / Print (Print)
- Legend of Qalupalik / Print (Print)
- Sedna's Journey / Print (Print)
- Women Speak of Spring Fishing / Print (Print)
- Rabbit Eating Seaweed II / Print (Print)
- Talillajuuqpaujaaluk (Print)
- Airplanes over ice cap (Print)
- Big Face (Print)
- The hunters capture whales with their harpoons and sealskin floats (Print)
- Evil Spirits surround the igloo (Print)
- Sedna whispers (Print)
- Whaling (Print)
- Dogs Eat the Seal / Print (Print)
- Animals and Ducks We Eat to Survive (Print)
- Qmminggoa (Print)
- Legend of a Man-eating Bird (Print)
- Print
- Hunters with Animals (Print)
- Composition (Print)
- Composition (Print)
- Print
- Wounded Bird (Print)
- Legend of the Bird Woman and Animal Spirit (Print)
- Print
- Composition (Print)
- Print
- Evening Spirit (Print)
- Winds of Change (Print)
- Lady Turns into an Owl and Follows Her Husband (Print)
- Men going Hunting (Print)
- Seamaids (Print)
- Birds Make Me Happy (Print)
- Birds Make Me Happy (Print)
- Meeting Elders on the Land (Print)
- Takjarniert Isummuliuqtut (Print)
- Calling the Animal Spirits (Print)
- Inugagulligaq (Legend of the Little People) / Print (Print)
- NATSINIAQTI (Seal Hunter) / NATSINIAQTI (Seal Hunter) (Print)
- Diving Sedna / Diving Sedna (Print)
- Avataq Spirit / Avataq Spirit (Print)
- Red Umbrella / Red Umbrella (Print)
- Tip Toe Through The Tundra / Tip Toe Through The Tundra (Print)
- Mythical Kudlik / Mythical Kudlik (Print)
- Sea Shell / Sea Shell (Print)
- Dark Fantasy / Dark Fantasy (Print)
- Full Moon / Full Moon (Print)
- Quivering SeagullFull Moon / Quivering Seagull (Print)
- Rollicking Birds / Rollicking Birds (Print)
- Arnallu (Fish Woman) / Arnallu (Fish Woman) (Print)
- Face Tattoo I / Lithograph (Print)
- Face Tattoo II / Lithograph (Print)
- Forearm / Hand Tattoo / Lithograph (Print)
- In Transition / In Transition (Print)
- Spirit of the Raven / Spirit of the Raven (Print)
- Owl & Caterpiller / Owl & Caterpiller (Print)
- The Owl and I / The Owl and I (Print)
- Nuliak and Sea Spirits / Etching (Print)
- Summer / Summer (Print
- Walrus and Dog / Walrus and Dog (Print)
- Hunter Pulling a Dead Seal Home / Hunter Pulling a Dead Seal Home (Print
- Butchering a Walrus / Butchering a Walrus (Print
- Woman Breastfeeding / Woman Breastfeeding (Print
- Reindeer Herders / Reindeer Herders (Print
- Legend of Giant Logolin / Legend of Giant Logolin (Print
- Monster/Demon / Monster/Demon (Print
- Polar Bear Attacking Walrus / Polar Bear Attacking Walrus (Print
- Autumn / Autumn (Print
- Woman Beating Clothes / Woman Beating Clothes (Print
- Lottery / Lottery (Print
- Reindeer Herders / Reindeer Herders (Print
- Woman Breastfeeding / Woman Breastfeeding (Print
- Butchering a Walrus (Print
- Walrus and Dog (Print)
- Hunter Pulling a Dead Seal Home (Print
- Polar Bear Attacking Walrus (Print
- Autumn (Print
- Woman Beating Clothes (Print
- Lottery (Print
- Legend of Giant Logolin (Print
- Monster/Demon (Print
- Butchering a Walrus (Print
- Hunter Pulling a Dead Seal Home (Print
- Walrus and Dog (Print)
- Polar Bear Attacking Walrus (Print
- Mother Breastfeeding (Print
- Legend of Giant Logolin (Print
- Woman Beating Clothes (Print
- Monster/Demon (Print
- Reindeer Herders (Print
- Butchering a Walrus (Print
- Hunter Pulling a Dead Seal Home (Print
- Walrus and Dog (Print)
- Polar Bear Attacking Walrus (Print
- Mother Breastfeeding (Print
- Legend of Giant Logolin (Print
- Woman Beating Clothes (Print
- Reindeer Herders (Print
- Monster/Demon (Print
- Butchering a Walrus (Print
- Hunter Pulling a Dead Seal Home (Print
- Walrus and Dog (Print)
- Polar Bear Attacking Walrus (Print
- Mother Breastfeeding (Print
- Legend of Giant Logolin (Print
- Woman Beating Clothes (Print
- Reindeer Herders (Print
- Drummer (Print)
- Drummer (Print)
- Drummer (Print)
- Drummer (Print)
- Enchanted Owl / Commercial print, open series (Print)
- Bird and seal (Print)
- Spring Caribou (Print)
- Caribou on the Horizon (Print)
- The Chase (Print)
- Wohin geht der Inuit, wenn das Eis wegschmilzt? Inuit bedeutet Mensch, Nr. 13 / Wohin geht der Inuit, wenn das Eis wegschmilzt? Inuit bedeutet Mensch, Nr. 13 (Photography)
- Wohin geht der Inuit, wenn das Eis wegschmilzt? Inuit bedeutet Mensch, Nr. 4 / Wohin geht der Inuit, wenn das Eis wegschmilzt? Inuit bedeutet Mensch, Nr. 4 (Photography)
- Wohin geht der Inuit, wenn das Eis wegschmilzt? Inuit bedeutet Mensch, Nr. 14 / Wohin geht der Inuit, wenn das Eis wegschmilzt? Inuit bedeutet Mensch, Nr. 14 (Photography)
- Opiilu Timialu (Print)
- Grey Owl (Print)
- Tulugauja (Print)
- Illustrious Owl (Print)
- A Game with a Ball (Print)
- Attacked by Bees (Print)
- Taking a Wife (Print)
- Nesting Owl (Print)
- Overnight Camp (Print)
- Summer Travelers (Print)
- Large Cache (Print)
- Facing the Wind (Print)
- Spirits of the Sea (Print)
- Days on the Coast (Print)
- Eternal Spirit (Print)
- A Raven's Dream (Print)
- Birds of Fancy (Print)
- Man and His Catch / Man and His Catch (Print)
- Southwest Coast / Photography (Photography)
- Northwest Coast / Photography (Photography)
- Nationalpark / Photography (Photography)
- East Coast, underway with the kayak / Photography (Photography)
- Foto Labels / Etiketten (Etiketten)
- Eclectic Owl / Print (Print)
- The Danger of Egg Gathering / Print (Print)
- Seamaiden / Seamaiden (Print)
- Wairing For fFsh (Print)
- Crab / Crab (Print)
- Grønlandsk Vinter / Greenland Wnter / Grønlandsk Vinter / Greenland Wnter (Print)
Paper, ink, pencil, coloured pencil
Japanese Paper, ink, pencil
Paper, coloured pencil
Paper, pencil, crayon
Wood, Paper, ink, pencil
Paper, ink, pencil (red)
Paper, pastels, coloured pencil, pencil
Paper, coloured pencil, marker
Paper, coloured pencil, marker
Paper, coloured pencil, ink
Paper, ink, pencil, coloured pencil, pencil
Paper, coloured pencil, watercolour, marker
Paper, ink, pencil, coloured marker
Paper, coloured pencil, watercolour, ink
Paper, ink, pencil, colour
Paper, ink, pencil (blue)
BFK Rives White Paper, ink, pencil
BFK Rives Tan Paper, ink, pencil
BFK rives cream Paper, ink, pencil
Paper, pencil
Black Paper, coloured pencil
Graphite, coloured pencil, ink
Paper, pencil, coloured pencil, ink
Paper, pencil, red ink
Paper, crayon, pencil
Paper, coloured pencil, pencil